Q: What is cycle syncing?

Cycle syncing is a practice that is as ancient as the moon. Deep within your body there is a pulse that drives you towards your ultimate evolution. It is an internal dance between the 4 elements. Once you connect to its rythm, you access a tool that allows you to call in your most powerful manifestations. You do not have to invent the steps but merely follow its blueprint. This way, every month you have the opportunity to be reborn & ultimately become a new person.

The female cycle can be divided into 6 stages:

I: the void / the menstrual phase
Rest deep in stillness. See death as a necessary part of life. From nothing everything was born.

II: the vision / early follicular phase
Allow your mind to explore endless possibilities, connect to the clear idea of what you are calling in this month & who you are becoming.

III: the seed / late follicular phase
Set out on your journey of becoming & plant seeds with every step you take. Create a container, discipline & structure to grow your seeds into juicy fruits. 

IV: the bloom / the ovulatory phase
Step into your most bold self & take any necessary action with confidence & pleasure. Connect to your sensual self & enjoy the ecstasy of being alive.

V: the harvest / early luteal phase
Focus deeply & finish up all your tasks for this cycle. Take stock of your last cycle, reevaluate, introduce change. 

VI: the shift/ late luteal phase
Be like fire – let go of anything that doesn’t serve you, burn all illusions, use your sacred rage to set boundaries where necessary. Observe all the shadows, limiting beliefs & resistance you are experiencing & use this understanding to unblock & call in your ultimate manifestation.

… & the wheel keeps spinning.

When you follow the current of the river rather than going against it – the true magic of the feminine is revealed. Your womb is the portal through which all life comes into manifestation. Our destiny is to become the masters of life & death while dancing to our bodies song.