Every girl was once Persephone innocently picking flowers until one day….
… she is abducted into the underworld by the force of death. This force is represented by our first blood which is our inititation into the feminine.
We lose the innonece of the child & gain the wisdom of a woman. Wisdom of the 2 forces of life (eros) & death (thatanos). Two lovers that cannot be seperated & dance within us from then on within our cycles.
Just like Persephone we emerge for half of our cycles (ovulation & follicular) & are drawn back within ourselves for the remaining half (luteal & menstrual). Understanding these two forces & using them for our own evolution becomes the path of the cyclical woman.
A path that moves in spirals & its ultimate goal is the radical creation of self, other & the world around us.
Each of us carries Persephone deep within our wombs.
Are you ready to claim your place as the queen of the two realms?